KI-Suche Coveo trifft E-Commerce

Live-Demo: AI search Coveo meets eCommerce

-Hype or sustainable Innovation?-

Welcome to our exclusive live demo (German) in which we highlight the potential of the intelligent, AI-powered Coveo search, its search functions and the exemplary interaction with the e-commerce system SAP Commerce Cloud.

If you want to maximize the potential of your commerce system, you’ve come to the right place.

Our experts will show you how modern, AI-driven search functions can optimize customer satisfaction, conversion rate, shopping cart size and thus your business success. From personalized recommendations in B2C to individual price agreements for B2B:

  • Coveo experts show you how AI-driven search capabilities can optimize your business processes. The focus is on one central problem: missed sales opportunities!
  • In our live demo you can also see an example of how our team at codeitlabs can seamlessly integrate Coveo’s search solution (SAP endorsed app) into your SAP Commerce system.


Register now to receive the recording and transform your E-Commerce-Business!



1. Get Together und short introduction

2. Overview over Coveo 

Advantages of Coveo search and the most important functions.

Reference examples of our successes

3. Live-Demo PART 1: Integration of Coveo in SAP Commerce Cloud

Experience the functions of Coveo in our live demo, which we show in conjunction with the SAP Commerce Cloud. See how search features improve the user experience and simplify search management and configuration.

4. Live Demo PART2: KI- and ML-Cases: Transformation of customer experiences

Experience concrete examples of AI and ML applications in running online shops. Learn how personalized, AI-driven search features drive engagement and increase customer satisfaction.

5. Question and answer session: Direct feedback from experts

Ask our experts your individual questions. 

Go to the recording

More insights and customer interviews on e-commerce search in our article series „Mastering E-Commerce Search“!

Our Speakers:

Next Live-Demos:

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